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Florida Water Plastic Bottle 7.5 oz


  • Refreshing and leaves the skin fragrant
  • Faint and elusive, yet delightful scent
  • Gives a delightful glow to the skin

The original formula since 1808 a light floral scent with lemon overtones. Florida Water cools, cleanses, and calms. Use it on the body, in the bath, around the home, to promote overall well-being and good energy as well as in ceremonial rituals. It is known worldwide for its magical effect on the body, mind and soul.


Florida Water is a traditional tool for spiritual cleansing, blessing and protection. The mixture is a combination of water, alcohol and essential oils. It has a sweet neroli citrus scent, with lavender undertones and a slight earthy smell. Very clean and uplifting.

The fragrant botanicals are the source of the water’s power. They attract good fortune, and benevolent spirits to whomever, or wherever the water is used. Florida Water essentially raises the vibration of whatever it comes into contact with making it unsuitable for negativity and harm to thrive, and linger.


Florida Water can be used as a cologne or splash. It can also be used for baths, floor washes, and for anointing. It is a powerful tool for spiritually cleansing your home after a difficult time, or when dealing with extremely negative entities. It can also be used to clear, and reprogram personal belongings.



Florida Water Cologne

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